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s00mebody • 1 year ago

His servant was really done well here. He changed attitude to a top dog. It is quite funny later in the novel... he is offered position in Dawei royalty, but he declines it with words that for him as Qin Chens slave that would be demotion. And it really is, even in arc1 he is already top dog of a city area which is as large as Dawei

Also, the room this episode starts with is former cell where they put Qin Chen

Like I said when he was still Qin Chen enemy, and after their battle Qin Chen made him go under oath to be his servant dog for a year. He was going be his loyal servant dog even after their year arrangement to now one of his loyal subordinates lol, at this point anything would be a demotion from being OG OP Qin Chen loyal top dog, plus this man particularly bout to run the city anyway XD.

Qin_Yinyi • 1 year ago

who really is Qin Chen? What happened to the orginal one? Who is his father? The lightning God? Who and what is his real mother then?

Qin_Yinyi • 1 year ago

How may chapters have you read? I stopped at ch2700+ 7 months ago

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Now with 3 great association leaders coming to Qin Chen rescue let's see how the 3rd Prince will react. I bet he will start regretting ever listening to that small ant 🐜 suggestions.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Nah, he won't regret it. You should remember Dawei prince from 5 kingdom competition who is already a friend of Qin Chen. The animation cut some plot bits where that prince tried his best to help Qin Chens friends. He originally set them up with good environment and academy enrollment, but that was overridden later by 3rd prince just to spite him due to having more power. This is how they never enrolled in academy and why they were thrown into slums

Problem in Dawei is that emperors (princes grandfather) state is unknown for quite a bit of time. 3rd prince is working with families to take over and so he did not really have chance to support them or not. He had to, since his opposition is the other prince which is already tied with Qin Chen

RohanOf ElvenPower • 1 year ago
